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569Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".569
English Each small candle
Not the torturer will scare me
Nor the body's final fall
Nor the barrels of death's rifles
Nor the shadows on the wall
Nor the night when to the ground
The last dim star of pain is hurled
But the blind indifference
Of a merciless unfeeling world

And each small candle
Lights a corner of the dark...
From a song by Roger Waters

Please keep sense and meaning, translations have not necessarily got to be as poetical (but if you have nice lyrical ideas, don't hesitate to use them).^^

Completed translations
German Jede noch so kleine Kerze
Italian Ogni piccola candela
Portuguese brazilian Cada pequena vela
Portuguese Cada pequena vela
Turkish Her küçük mum
Chinese 每盞小燭火
French Chaque petite bougie
Greek Κάθε μικρό κερί
Serbian Svaka mala sveća
Spanish Cada pequeña vela
Danish Hvert lille lys
Hungarian Minden kis gyertya
Chinese simplified 每支细小的蜡烛
Arabic كلّ شمعة صغيرة
Hebrew כל נר קטן
Dutch Elke kleine kaars
Polish Każda mała świeczka
Russian Каждая маленькая свечка
Ukrainian Кожна маленька свічка
Bulgarian Всяка мъничка свещичка
Romanian Fiecare mică lumânare
Albanian Çdo qiri i vogël
Swedish Varje litet ljus
Norwegian Hver litet lys
Finnish Jokainen pieni kynttilä
Czech Každá malá svíčka
Bosnian Svaka mala svjeća
Croatian Svaka mala svijeca
Persian language هر شمع کوچکی
Japanese 小さなろうそくそれぞれが
Slovak Každá sviečočka
Latin quisque candela quamvis sit parva
Korean 각각의 작은 촛불
Lithuanian Kiekviena maža žvakelė
Klingon Hoch weQ mach
266Source language266
English Sometimes late at night I lie awake and watch her...
Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping.
She's lost in peaceful dreams,
so I turn out the lights and lay there in dark
and the thought crosses my mind
if I never wake up in the morning.
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
about her in my heart?
If tomorrow never comes,
will she know how much I loved her?
Did I try in every way
to show her every day
that she's my only one?
The text is from the song "If tomorrow never comes".
It´s my boyfriends and my song. I want to sing it for him in Polish, because he came from Poland.

Completed translations
Polish Czasem późno w nocy Leżę rozbudzona i spoglądam na niego....
German Manchmal, spät in der Nacht...
Portuguese brazilian Às vezes tarde da noite
Turkish Bazen gece geç saatlerde
Italian Talvolta tardi di notte
Dutch soms laat in de nacht lig ik wakker en kijk hoe ze slaapt
Romanian Uneori, târziu în noapte Stau treaz şi o privesc
Swedish Ibland sent på natten.......
Bulgarian Понякога, късно нощем,...
Spanish A veces a altas horas de la noche
Norwegian Av og til seint på kvelden...
Albanian ndonjëherë natën shoh atë duke fjetur
French Si demain n'arrive jamais.
Danish Somme tider sent om natten ligger jeg vågen og ser hende...
109Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".109
English Brothers in Arms
There's so many different worlds,
So many different suns.
And we have just one world,
But we live in different ones.
Verses from the song by Dire Straits. For the wiki article on my profile.

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Atenţie, orice traducere de text, în orice limbă ar fi ea, care nu utilizează diacriticele folosite în mod normal în respectiva limbă, va fi respinsă sistematic.

Completed translations
French Frères d'armes
Italian Fratelli armati
Turkish Kollar arasında kardeşler
Greek Αδέρφοι πολεμιστές
Polish Bracia broni
Arabic إخوة في السّلاح
Romanian sunt atât de multe lumi diferite
Hungarian Testvérek a háborúban
German Waffenbrüder
Swedish Bröder i hop
Dutch Wapenbroeders..
Finnish Aseveljet
Serbian Braća u ratu
Russian Братья по оружию
Bulgarian Братя по оръжие
421Source language421
English Don´t say "I love you". Let me feel it!
Don´t say "I love you". Let me feel it!
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Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Não fala "eu te amo" . Deixa-me sentir isto...
Serbian Nemoj mi reci "Volim te" Dozvoli mi da to osetim!
Romanian Nu îmi spune "Te iubesc". Lasă-mă să o simt!
Turkish Bana beni sevdiğini söyleme, bırak hissedeyim.
Arabic لا تقل "أحبّك". دعني أحسّ بذلك!
Greek Μη μου λες «Σ’ αγαπώ». Άσε με να το αισθανθώ!
Finnish Älä sano: "Minä rakastan sinua". Anna minun tuntea se!
German Sag nicht "Ich liebe Dich". Lass es mich spüren!
Spanish No digas "te amo". ¡Déjame sentirlo!
Italian Non dirmi "ti amo". Fammelo sentire!
Bulgarian Не казвай "Обичам те". Накарай ме да го почувствам!
Portuguese Não digas "eu amo-te". Deixa-me senti-lo.
Swedish Säg inte "Jag älskar dig". Låt mig känna det!
French Ne me dis pas "Je t'aime"... Laisse-moi le ressentir !
Dutch Zeg niet "ik hou van je". Laat me het voelen!
Danish Sig ikke "jeg elsker dig". Lad mig føle det!
Ukrainian Не кажи "Я тебе кохаю". Дозволь мені відчути це!
Hungarian Ne mondd azt, hogy szeretsz. Hagyd, hogy érezzem!
Albanian Mos thuaj "Të dua". lejom ta ndjej te.
Polish Nie mów "Kocham Cię". Pozwól mi to poczuć!
Bosnian Nemoj mi reći "Volim te"...
Hebrew אל תגיד "אני אוהב אותך". תן לי להרגיש את זה!
Russian Не говори "Я тебя люблю". Дай мне почувствовать это!
Chinese simplified 身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通
Latin Noli dicere "Ego te amo".
Indonesian Jangan bilang "Aku cinta kamu". Biarkan aku merasakannya!
Esperanto Ne diru "mi amas vi".
Icelandic Ekki segja "ég elska þig". Leyftu mér að finna það!
Catalan No diguis "t'estimo". Deixa'm sentir-ho!
Croatian Nemoj mi reći "Volim te". Dozvoli mi da to osjetim!
Lithuanian Nesakyk "AÅ¡ tave myliu". Leisk man tai pajausti!
Norwegian Ikke si "jeg elsker deg". La meg føle det!
Frisian Sis net: "Ik hâld fan dy". Lit it my fiele!
Japanese 愛してるって言わずに、感じさせて!
Slovak Nehovor "milujem ťa". Nechaj ma cítiť to.
Czech Neříkej "Miluji Tě". Nech mně to cítit.
Latvian Nesaki: "Es mīlu tevi". Ļauj man to sajust!
Persian language نگو "دوستت دارم". بگزار آن را احساس كنم!
Mongolian Би чамд хайртай
Breton Na lavar ket din "da garout a ran"...
Chinese 身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通
Ancient greek Μὴ εἴπῃς „Φιλῶ σε”. Ὀσφραίνεσθαι τοῦτο μοὶ ἐιπέ!
Japanese 私に“君を愛してる”って言わないで、私に感じさせてくれ
Chinese 「我愛你」不是只掛在口頭上,要讓我感受到
English Don't tell me "I love you", let me feel it.
Macedonian Не вели "те сакам".Дозволи ми да почуствувам!